Configuring the Simulation

Changing the crowd setting

Properties of the simulated crowd can be controled via the arguments in <summit_root>/PythonAPI/examples/ Important ones include:

  • --num-car: the target number of car-like vehicles to be maitained in the scene.
  • --num-bike: the target number of bikes and motorcycles to be maitained in the scene.
  • --num-pedestrian: the target number of walkers to be maitained in the scene.
  • --speed-car: the preferred speed of car-like vehicles. A uniform noise between [-0.5,0.5] will be added.
  • --speed-bike: the preferred speed of bikes and motorcycles. A uniform noise between [-0.5,0.5] will be added.
  • --speed-pedestrian: the preferred speed of walkers. A uniform noise between [-0.5,0.5] will be added.
  • --clearance-car: clearance between other agents to be kept when spawning a vehicle.
  • --clearance-bike: clearance between other agents to be kept when spawning a bike or motorcycle.
  • --clearance-pedestrian: clearance between other agents to be kept when spawning a walker.
  • --collision: enable or disable collision response for all traffic agents.

Changing the Camera view

The camera view in SUMMIT can be either changed using mouse / keyboard, or through code.

Mouse / keyboard

To change the camera angle, hold down the right mouse button and drag your mouse around; To change the camera position, hold down the right mouse button and use the WASD keys.

Python API

Alternatively, you can use the following code to change the view point in the server.

client = carla.Client(host, port)
        carla.Location((x, y, z),
        carla.Rotation(pitch, yaw, roll)))

Camera actor

If you need to frequently change the view point of SUMMIT such as tracking an vehicle, we recommend to spawn a seperate camera actor and attach it to the tracked vehicle. An example script can be found in the expert planner repo.